Ambulance cover

Ambulance cover in Australia can be a bit confusing. Ambulance trips are not covered by Medicare and how you’re covered for ambulance varies state to state.

Emergency Ambulance Transport is currently covered under eligible extras policies and hospital policies. However, as of 1 April 2023, Emergency Ambulance Transport will be covered under all Frank hospital policies.

What you need to be covered for your state 

If you live in VIC, SA, WA or NT:

You’re required to purchase an ambulance subscription directly from your state ambulance service provider to ensure you are covered for all ambulance services, not just emergency.

If you live in QLD or TAS:

You're automatically covered for ambulance services through your state government for trips that occur within your home state. Make sure you check with the ambulance service provider for details regarding national cover and non-emergency transport.

If you live in NSW or ACT:

If you have any Frank hospital cover, you are automatically covered for emergency transportation within NSW or ACT. It is a Levy Based Scheme (health insurers pay a levy to the State government on behalf of eligible members) which is why it operates under your hospital cover. 

Some states provide ambulance services free of charge to people holding a valid pension or concession card at the time of transport and meet certain criteria. Check your relevant state ambulance service to see if you're eligible. 

Ensure you’re covered for all necessary ambulance trips by having the right cover for where you live.   

What's the difference between emergency and non-emergency ambulance trips?

‘Emergency’ ambulance trips are situations where immediate medical treatment is necessary.

‘Non-emergency’ ambulance trips on the other hand are situations where immediate medical treatment is not necessary, or for transportation from a hospital to your home or another hospital. It’s at the ambulance service’s discretion to classify a trip as emergency or non-emergency.

Ensure you’re covered for all necessary ambulance trips by having the right cover for where you live.  

Is ambulance covered under hospital or extras cover?

Ambulance is covered on some Extras policies, as well as on all Frank Hospital policies. For specific information regarding your coverage please check your product fact sheet. 

How do I claim my ambulance subscription?

To claim your subscription login to the Frank member area. It’s important when you submit your claim that you provide an official paid receipt from your Ambulance Service provider. Please note that you can only claim one subscription fee per calendar year. If you’ve purchased a multi-year subscription, you are only able to claim for the current year and will need to submit each year as it passes. Please check your product fact sheet for further information specific to your level of cover.

How do I claim my ambulance trip?

Once you have received your bill for your trip from your Ambulance Service provider, please submit your claim in the member area.